Stability Ball Exercises To Burn Fat & Strengthen Muscles!
What is Stability Ball (Swiss Ball)?
How to Use an Exercise Ball:
An exercise ball, also known as a Swiss Ball, is a ball constructed of soft elastic with a diameter of approximately 35 to 85 centimeters (14 to 34 inches) and filled with air. The air pressure is changed by removing a valve stem and either filling with air or letting the ball deflated.
- Stability balls also called “fitness balls” or “exercise balls”, come in a variety of sizes and are used in exercises to help burn fat and build muscle.
- Core exercises using an exercise ball can flatten your tummy and help you burn unhealthy belly fat.
- To choose a good size exercise ball, you should be able to sit on an exercise ball with your knees bent so that your thighs are at a right angle to the floor.
- A stability ball can be under-inflated (soft) for beginners or for an easy workout.
- Firmly inflated stability balls provide a more vigorous workout.
Here’re 15 Best Ball Exercises To Burn Fat & Strengthen Core Muscle:
1. Wall Squat:
Step No 1:
- Find an empty wall space, and place the stability ball between the wall and the middle of your back (just below the shoulder blades and above the hips).
- Stand with your feet flat on the floor, shoulder-width apart and positioned several inches in front of your torso, which should now be leaning on the ball.
Step No 2:
- With your chest tall and hands clasped in front of you, slowly lower into a squat position with the upper thighs parallel to the floor.
- Make sure the knees do not extend beyond the toes and keep your posture tall by engaging your core muscles as you press your weight against the stability ball.
Step No 3:
- Slowly roll back to the starting position to complete one rep.
- Repeat 15 times.
2. Balancing Reverse Lunge:
Step No 1:
- Place the stability ball behind you, and carefully lift the right foot and place the toe of your shoe directly on top of the ball.
- Stand tall with the core engaged and hands on the hips for balance.
Step No 2:
- As you slowly lunge into the left knee, keep it safely behind the toes.
- Simultaneously, extend your right leg back, letting the ball roll away from you to complete a lunge position.
- Feel the stretch in your right hip flexor as the leg reaches out as straight as possible.
Step No 3:
- Using the power of your left thigh and core, pull your body back up into the starting position to complete one rep.
- Leave your right toe on the ball and repeat 15 times before lowering the right leg and switching sides.
3. Plank-to-Pike:
Step No 1:
- Return the starting position used for the balancing pushup, and roll the ball slightly forward so your shins are resting on it rather than your feet and ankles.
- Feel free to widen the feet here as well for increased stability.
Step No 2:
- Engage the abdominals, pulling the belly button toward the spine, and drive your hips directly up into the air (with control!) while keeping both arms and legs straight.
- Once your core has pulled your hips as high as they can go, slowly lower back to the starting plank position for one rep.
- Repeat 15 times.
Note: If this move feels a little too advanced, try the modified version that instead involves tucking the knees in toward the chest.
4. Swiss Ball Pike:
Step No 1:
- Assume a pushup position with your arms completely straight.
- Position your hands slightly wider than and in line with your shoulders.
- Rest your shins on a Swiss ball.
- Your body should form a straight line from your head to your ankles.
Step No 2:
- Without bending your knees, roll the Swiss ball toward your body by raising your hips as high as you can.
- Pause, then return the ball to the starting position by lowering your hips and rolling the ball backward.
5. Swiss Ball Jackknife:

Step No 1:
- Get into a pushup position with your arms straight and your shins resting on a stability ball.
Step No 2:
- Roll the ball toward your chest by pulling it forward with your legs and feet.
- Pause, then return to the starting position by lowering your hips as you push the ball backward with your legs.
- Do 10 reps.
6. Stability Ball Pelvic Tilt Crunch:
7. Stability Ball V-Pass:
8. Hamstring curls using Swiss ball:
Step No 1:
- Lying on back.
- place feet onto ball and toes pulled back towards you.
- Place hands out to the side.
- palms facing down.
Step No 2:
- Lift hips off the floor.
- activate the core and roll the ball slowly in until your knees are above your hips.
- Roll back to starting position.
9. Fat burning lunges using an exercise ball:
You can perform fat burning lunges using an exercise ball:
Step No 1:
- Put a stability ball on the floor and stand in front of it.
- Place the shin of one leg across the ball behind you by extending your leg back behind your body.
- Stretch your other leg out in front of you by taking a long step forward.
Step No 2:
- Place your hands on your hips for balance, if needed.
- Bend your knee until your thigh is parallel to the floor and hold the position.
- Return to an upright position and repeat the exercise 5 times and then switch legs.
10. Standing Ab Rollout: 
Step No 1:
- Place your palms on the ball.
- Stand with your legs wide, about three or so feet apart.
- Walk the ball out so your back is straight and your hips are in the same line as your ankles.
Step No 2:
- Lean your body forward, allowing the ball to roll down your forearms.
- Stop once your elbows reach the ball and you’re balancing on your tiptoes.
- Use your core and legs to get your body back to the starting position.
- Keep your abs engaged throughout this move.
- Complete three sets of 12 to 15 reps.
11. Exercise Ball ReachWith Weights:
Step No 1:
- Lie with your head and upper back supported on an exercise ball.
- Push your pelvis toward the ceiling and feel the backs of your hamstrings working to help keep you stable.
- Holding one 5- to 8-pound dumbbell with both hands.
- Reach your arms toward the ceiling with your elbows almost straight, arms parallel.
- Your hands directly over your shoulders.
- Inhale to prepare.
Step No 2:
- Exhale and stabilize your center and reach your arms back until your arm is almost parallel to the floor.
- Nothing in your torso should move, just your arm floating back toward your ears.
- Inhale – bring arms back to starting position.
- Reach 20 times to complete a set.
- Do two to three sets.
12. Ball V-up:
Step No 1:
- Lie on your back, legs straight and arms fully extended above your head with an exercise ball positioned between your hands.
- Tighten your abdominal muscles.
- lifting both the ball and your heels off the floor.
Step No 2:
- Raise both your hands and feet together.
- bringing the ball to meet your legs.
- Pause, then lower back to the starting position.
- Perform 3 sets of 15 reps.
13. Balance Push-Up:
Step No 1:
Lie facedown on an inflated exercise ball with both hands on the floor.
Walk your hands out, allowing the ball to roll beneath your body until it is under your shins.
Your hands should be directly below your shoulders.
Step No 2:
- Keeping your torso straight and abs contracted.
- bend your elbows and lower your chest.
- Stop when your upper arms are parallel to the floor.
- Pause and return to start.
- 8 to 12 reps.
14. Mini Crunch (Swiss Ball):
Step No 1:
- With your feet on the floor.
- lie back onto the stability ball so it is contacting your mid back.
- Interlace your fingers behind your head and keep your elbows pointing out.
Step No 2:
- Without shrugging your shoulders or tensing your neck muscles.
- draw your abdominal muscles in and slowly round your spine.
- Don’t allow your feet or the ball to move as you perform.
- Hold this position for 1 to 2 seconds and then slowly return to the starting position.
15. Swiss Ball Hip Stretch:
Step No 1:
- Kneel on the floor with the exercise ball behind you.
- Place both palms on the ground so that they are below your shoulders.
- When you are stable in this position.
- place the top of the foot and part of the ankle of your left leg against the ball.
Step No 2:
- Now bring your right leg in front of you.
- Toes pointing straight ahead.
- knee bent at right angles.
- Slowly lift your hands off the floor and straighten your torso.
- Hands on your waist.
- Hold for 20-30 seconds before releasing.
- Switch sides and repeat.
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Disclaimer: “Nothing in this article makes any claim to offer cures or treatment for any disease or illness. If you are sick please consult with your doctor.”
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