Homemade Smoothies, 15 Best Healthy Vegetables For Juicing and Their Nutrients!
Healthy Vegetables For Juicing: juices
Green Juice is a great way to get a high dose of vitamins and minerals from vegetables in an energy-packed drink. Many different leafy green vegetables can be used to make green juice, but, kale and spinach are definite front-runners in the long list of ingredients. Today, green juice has exploded on the health scene with different nutritionists, juice stores, and ordinary individuals adding the drink to their everyday lives.
You have probably heard the many benefits of a raw food diet and are wondering whether it’s too good to be true. Well, it isn’t. Juices, especially, fresh vegetable juices are an essential part of a healthy diet.
How to Start?
Vegetable juicing is the best way to consume all of the recommended greens in only one day. Even though green vegetables have the most minerals and are the healthiest foods, not everyone likes their taste. You can mix other fruits and tastier vegetables together to make them taste better. Foods such as apples, berries, or carrots work well for this purpose.
When it comes to creating delicious vegetable juice recipes that are also healthy, it’s really just a matter of personal preference. What fruits would taste wonderful together and help you to take advantage of the many vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and enzymes that fruits and vegetables have to offer is up to you.
It’s a way to blend some of your not-so-favorite-tasting fruits, and vegetables along with the ones you really like to consume some of the nutrients you usually miss, and at the same time, have a very delicious juicing recipe.
Juice can be absorbed by your body within twenty minutes, so it is a quick way to absorb the nutrients that are contained in vegetables and fruits. But if you are new to juicing, remember to start slow.
Start with just a few vegetables and fruits. After your body has adjusted to receiving so many nutrients at once, add a few more. Gradually build up so as not to cause any digestion issues. Vegetable juice recipes and juicing fruits can have a cleansing effect on the body.
Here are fifteen of the best vegetables to use if you are going to blend the perfect homemade juices or smoothies. vegetables
15 Best Vegetables And Their Health Benefits:
1. Kale:
Kale is a great vegetable for making juices. It is rich in iron and folate and is very effective in detoxifying the body. Iron, one of the minerals founds in kale, is the main ingredient used in the formation of Hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the chief carrier of oxygen in the blood and it ensures your body muscles and brain function efficiently.
Folate, another key mineral found in kale is responsible for the production of red blood cells and also helps in fetal development. Kale is also loaded with antioxidants that protect cells from damage and prevent chronic disease.
The Health benefits of kale juice are:
- It helps to reduce depression.
- It helps to keep the brain young.
- It helps to reduce the risk of heart disease.
By the way, all dark leafy green vegetables, like collard greens, and spinach offer substantial nutrients and are great for juicing.
2. Carrot:
Not only is carrot juice delicious, but it is also good for your body. It’s full of beta-carotene and vitamins A, B, C, and E, all the antioxidants that your body needs on a daily basis.
The Health benefits of drinking carrot juice are:
- Helps to stimulate appetite and improve digestion.
- Improves eyesight.
- Regulates blood sugar.
- Prevents cancer.
- Improves liver functions.
- Also, improves skin texture and appearance.
- Enriches lactation.
3. Wheatgrass:
Wheatgrass can be a little hard to ingest and as such, it is recommended that you start small when adding it to your diet. The good news is that it is packed full of vitamins C, E, and K that are essential for the proper development of your body.
The Health benefits of drinking wheatgrass juice are:
Drinking Wheatgrass Helps:
- To prevent Alzheimer’s disease.
- To prevent anemia.
- In reducing and eliminating halitosis (bad breath).
- To prevent candidiasis.
- To prevent diabetes, high blood pressure, and cancer.
4. Beets:
Beet makes a great choice for juices and smoothies. It has essential antioxidants that include, lutein and zeaxanthin. Moreover, its leaves provide a good source of iron, calcium, and beta-carotene.
Some benefits of beet juice are:
It helps to :
- Lower blood pressure.
- Increase stamina.
- Prevents cancer.
- Improves eye health.
- Prevents birth defects.
5. Cucumbers And Celery:
These two vegetables make good choices because of their cool-tasting and refreshing nature. Both cucumber and celery are rich in vitamins A, B, and C and minerals like potassium, calcium, and phosphorous. This coupled with their high water levels makes them perfect for juices.
The Health benefits of drinking cucumber and celery juice are:
- It helps to reduce acidity.
- It helps to regulate blood pressure.
- Nutrients in the juice act as cooling agents for the body.
- It helps to improve the texture and appearance of the skin.
The truth is, there are many good fruits and vegetables you can use to make juices and this list offers a good place to start, especially if you are looking to lose weight, cleanse your body, or boost your nutrition.
6. Asparagus:
Health Benefits of Asparagus:
- Asparagus strong cleanser especially for the kidneys and bladder, it should be used in moderation.
- This vegetable is better for you are eaten raw or juiced because it has a tendency to irritate the kidneys when cooked.
- Just one serving of asparagus supplies almost 66% of the daily recommended intake of foliate which is very good for heart health and a birth defect fighter.
- Asparagus has been used to treat problems with swelling, such as arthritis and rheumatism, and may also be useful for PMS-related water retention.
- Asparagus has inulin which helps promote friendly bacteria in our large intestine.
7. Broccoli:
Health Benefits of Broccoli Juice:
- Broccoli is rich in potassium, phosphorous, and sulfur.
- Raw is best for Broccoli, and stems should be used as well as the tops.
- They are wonderfully juiced or chopped and ground for salads.
- Broccoli is a very good cleanser and tends to reduce body weight.
8. Cabbage:
Health Benefits of Cabbage Juice:
- Cabbage, both red and white, are valuable ingredients in a salad but only in reasonable quantities because the sulfur and chlorine content is high.
- Red cabbage has 50% more sulfur than white.
- White cabbage has about 65% more potassium, nearly ten times more iron, and about three times as much silicon as red cabbage.
- If not properly chewed, cabbage will cause gas, and if you combine cabbage with vinegar, salt, or sugar it can irritate the digestive tract.
9. Cauliflower:
Some health benefits of Cauliflower Juice:
- Cauliflower is very good to eat raw.
- It is high in potassium, phosphorous and sulfur, and protein.
- Like other members of the cabbage family.
- it has the tendency to irritate the kidneys if you eat too much.
- It is nourishing and used sparingly is good for you.
10. Garlic:
Health benefits Garlic Juice:
- Garlic is beneficial to the lymph, aiding in eliminating noxious waste matter from the body.
- It will probably increase body odor until the toxic waste has been sufficiently eliminated.
- It is a good cleanser of the mucous membrane which would include the lungs, sinuses, nose, and throat.
- This makes it great for heart conditions and asthma.
- It stimulates the kidneys and helps with high blood pressure.
- It also helps stimulate peristaltic action indigestion.
- Use parsley or mint juice to help with the odor problem.
11. Dandelion:
Health benefits of Dandelion:
- Dandelion greens are a good source of potassium, calcium, sodium, and magnesium.
- Dandelions nourish the bone structure and help the health of the teeth.
- It is good for the lymph and helps release toxins through the skin pores.
- Dandelion is a cold-loving plant that will have a mild flavor if harvested in the cold months.
- It will become bitter if grown through the hot months.
- It is helpful and nutritional in many organs of the body so combine with carrot juice for a milder flavor juice in hot months.
- Blossoms are high in Vitamin D and roots are good for the kidneys.
12. Lettuce:
Of all vegetables, lettuce is #3 in nutrients behind carrots (1) and alfalfa (2). The outer leaves that we most often discard are the most nutritious. Don’t want to eat them? Juice them. This food is very valuable for stimulating metabolism.
Health Benefits of Lettuce Juice:
- Lettuce is one of our most valuable foods because of the large organic water content, and because of the high potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, and iron, the different varieties contain.
- Lettuce is also rich in organic silicon and fluorine.
- The most nutritious way to eat it is eaten raw or juiced without condiments and seasonings.
- You will get an abundance of juice and it is one of the best things you can give your nerves and muscles because of the nutrients it contains.
13. Parsley:
Benefits of Parsley Juice:
- Parsley is rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, and chlorine.
- Parsley is so fibrous it is difficult to extract all the nutrients from the fibers.
- The juice is good for the optic system, kidneys, bladder, urethra, and genital organs.
- It should be consumed with meat to help rid the body of the uric acid produced in the digestion of the meat.
- It is also helpful for swollen glands, swollen breasts, and drying up milk.
14. Spinach:
Benefits of Spinach Juice:
- Spinach is a valuable leafy vegetable. It has high organic iron, sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium.
- Fresh raw spinach juice will aid in digestion and elimination in the body.
- Spinach juice nourishes cells, tissues, and nerves that help with normal elimination.
- If you combine Carrot and Spinach juice it will reestablish the muscle tone of the intestines.
- The organic oxalic acid in raw spinach is helpful to stimulate the peristaltic action of the intestines.
- When spinach is cooked it changes the oxalic acid to inorganic which can form into crystals in the kidneys.
15. Pumpkins:
Benefits of Peepers Juice:
- Pumpkins are rich in sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron, chlorine, and phosphorus.
- They are laxative in action and diuretic while they do not irritate the kidneys.
- Raw pumpkin is delicious, as is a juiced pumpkin.
- It is low in carbohydrates.
- Squash and pumpkin are members of the melon family.
- They are similar in nutrients and uses in the body.
Summing Up:
Drinking fresh homemade vegetable juice is beneficial to your health because the micronutrients are quickly absorbed into your system. How often are you getting the recommended fifteen fruits and vegetables every day?
A multivitamin is not an ideal supplement. Juicing is a much better option because your body doesn’t have to break down the fillers that hold the vitamins together. In fact, vegetable juices are absorbed by the body within twenty minutes of consumption. It is a great way to boost your nutrition.
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Disclaimer: “Nothing in this article makes any claim to offer cures or treatment of any disease or illness. If you are sick please consult with your doctor.”
Excellent nutrition is the basis of a healthy Life!
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