The Guide To The different Stages Of Pregnancy!
The Basic Guide For Stages Of Pregnancy:
The guide to the different stages of pregnancy helps the new parents to be to know what to expect as the pregnancy advances and what are the changes that are taking place. This is a general outlook of what to expect.
There may be a little difference as every one does not have similar symptoms:
What is common to all however, is good care of the mother during the prenatal stages. The parents to be should have a good understanding with the obstetrician so that they are told by the doctor about the developments as the days advance.
The different stages of pregnancy:
1. The first trimester:
- A full term pregnancy is normally 40 weeks.
- This full term is divided into trimesters which are about 13 weeks each.
- The progress of the fetus development is as per the trimester.
- During the first trimester of the pregnancy the woman may not realize that she is pregnant and will not associate the feeling of nausea to this.
- Though this is referred to as morning sickness, it could happen at any time of the day and not necessarily in the mornings only.
- This feeling of nausea is because of the hormonal changes in the woman’s body.
- These hormonal changes also bring about cravings for certain foods in pregnant women and also mood swings.
- All this reduces by the time it is the second trimester of the pregnancy.
2. The second trimester:
- By this time the mother to be has become used to the fetus in her womb and is not feeling as uneasy as she did in the beginning.
- It is during this period that the fetus has started the developing of its own organs.
- The mother will now start gaining weight, which though natural should not be too rapid.
- Sometimes if there are more than one fetus in the womb there may be a rapid weight gain, but this could also point to some problem with the health of the mother or the fetus.
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3. The final trimester:
- By now all the organs of the fetus have developed completely and are fully functional too.
- In case the mother delivers a premature fetus during the 30th week, it will be able to survive with some assistance on the technological side.
- However, as this would be a premature birth the doctor’s would have to take extra precautions about its health.
- A normal term baby would be born only after 38 or 40 weeks.
- At this time the mother will feel rather uncomfortable because of the pressure of the fetus on her own internal organs and also give her a back ache.
- She will feel like urinating frequently and will not have proper sleep.
- This will make her tired and fatigued.
This is just an outline of the different stages of pregnancy, the gynecologist will be able to give a more detailed explanation to the parents to be.
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Disclaimer: “Nothing in this article makes any claim to offer cures or treatment of any disease or illness. If you are sick please consult with your doctor.”
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