Body Detox: Choosing the Product Right For You!
When you are looking for body detoxification products, you have quite a choice. You can go online to look for products or purchase them from health food stores or suppliers. One thing that you will want to be certain of is that the body detoxification products are made from natural products.
You can choose the following when you are home body detoxification:
- Pre-made formulas.
- Tablets.
- Powders for mixing with water.
- Teas.
- Patches.
- Aromatherapy.
- Foot therapy.
You can purchase any of the above products right online. Determining which is the best for you will depend on your own preferences. Many people choose more than one product for home body detoxification. All work differently but achieve the same results.
Here is a rundown of each of the products and how they can work to cleanse your body:
1. Pre-made formulas:
Of all of the body detoxification products, pre-made formulas are the most costly. This is because all of the work has been done and the formula is ready to use as is. Those who are looking for convenience are better off to use pre-made formulas for body detoxification.
You can purchase these formulas in many different outlet: These include high end salons, health food stores and online outlets. Using the pre-made formulas is easy enough to do. Simply follow the instructions on the label and you will accomplish the cleansing at home.
You can find body detoxification solutions in a variety of different flavors: Most of them are loaded with vitamins and juices, such as Acai berry, a noted and powerful antioxidant. Pre-made formulas are ideal for anyone who does not have the time or the inclination to make their own formula. They can be used with other methods of body detoxification to get a true body cleanse.
2. Tablets:
There are hundreds of different tablets that are made for body detoxification: The tablets work less quickly than the solutions, although they are very effective. Many people take the tablets on a daily basis to keep their body cleansed.
- Most of the tablets that are used for body detoxification are made from derivatives of herbs as well as vitamins.
- Some fruits, like the Acai Berry, often used in body detoxification, are only available in juice or powder form in most areas of the world.
- Tablets usually contain components like Acai, the antioxidant, as well as cranberry, lemon and other ingredients that are known to flush out the system effectively.
- Those who want a product that will work over a period of time will enjoy using the body detoxification tablets that are on the market.
- You can purchase these tablets at health food stores, online outlets and even the local drugstore.
- Make sure that the body detoxification tablets that you purchase are all natural and contain all natural ingredients.
- You can even find that there are some organic tablets that are sold by distributors.
3. Powders For Mixing:
If you like the fast action of the body detoxification solutions but do not want to pay the price, you can create your own body detoxification solution with powders that you purchase at a variety of different places, including online.
You simply have to mix the powder with purified water and you are all set to drink: You will find the powders in a variety of different flavors and can even get them in a variety pack so that you can sample several different flavors to see which ones you like.
You use powders for mixing in the same manner as you would use a pre-made solution: Follow the directions on the label as different products have different directions. The pre-made powders are ideal for anyone who wants to save money but likes the idea of using a body detoxification formula that they can drink.
4. Teas:
Drinking green tea is very good for body detoxification but drinking green tea that is fortified with more antioxidants and vitamins is even better for your body. You can make the tea as you would a normal cup of brewed tea and take it either hot or cold. Again, you will want to follow the directions on the package when you are using teas as a way to cleanse your body.
Teas are ideal for those who like to drink tea and are looking for a soothing way to naturally cleanse their body at home. They work quickly but not as quickly as the solutions. Like the tablets, the teas are often used for a long term cleansing basis.
5. Patches:
Just like you can get a nicotine patch to help you quit smoking, you can also use a patch to cleanse your body:
A patch for body detoxification is used the same way. You put the patch on your skin and the properties are absorbed into your bloodstream through your skin. This is a slower way to cleanse your body, but may be more convenient for those who are busy and do not have time to spend with a solution.
You can purchase the body detoxification patches at a number of different outlets. All of the same outlets that sell body detoxification supplies usually sell patches. If you are the type of person who does not have a lot of time to spend on body detoxification and does not want to drink teas or solutions, the patch is ideal for you. You just have to put it on and you are all set.
6. Aromatherapy:
One way that you can naturally cleanse your body is through aromatherapy: Aromatherapy can be used in two different ways. You can put essential oils on the skin and also breathe them in. Some essential oils such as those derived from lemon and tea tree leaves work well to cleanse the body.
You should not put essential oil directly on your skin as it can be very potent: You should mix essential oils with a carrier oil such as canola oil, and then massage into the skin. The skin absorbs the essential oils in the same manner as the patch and it goes into the bloodstream.
You can also use aromatherapy to inhale the essential oils into the lungs so that they are also transported in to the blood stream in this manner. You need to use an infuser to inhale the oils.
Aromatherapy is good for body detoxification on a long term basis. It does not work quickly, but is effective. It is similar to the patches in that it is absorbed into the bloodstream and works to cleanse all parts of the body, including the digestive system. They work well for those who want to have a long term body detoxification experience at home.
7. Foot Therapy:
You feet are the pathway to your body and foot therapy can work well to cleanse your body from impurities.
Foot therapy usually consists of massage or magnetic therapy. Both can work well for body detoxification and work on the long term basis. You can use homemade remedies when you practice foot therapy at home.
Foot therapy is often used in conjunction with other body detoxification methods as a way to not only cleanse the body but also to keep it clean and healthy.
Disclaimer: “Nothing in this article makes any claim to offer cures or treatment of any disease or illness. If you are sick please consult with your doctor.”
Enough, No More Body Pollution!
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