Body Detox-3 Common Mistakes To Avoid!
Body Detox-What Are the 3 Common Mistakes To Avoid?
If you are feeling sluggish and in need of an energy boost, then a body detox is often a good way to cleanse and energize your system. People often share that they started a detox yet for various reasons, failed to complete the required days.
So, to avoid falling into this trap, here are the top three common mistakes people make when on a detox and, suggestions how you can use to avoid making these mistakes which will help you stick to your detox program.
When Was Your Last Body MOT?
Your body is a marvelous piece of machinery, yet it is so easy to take the body for granted and not realize how important it is to give it a cleanse and service. You wash and condition your hair, cleanse your face, steam clean your oven, take your car in for a yearly MOT and regular service, yet when it comes to your inner body, it gets a poor deal.
When did you last have a whole body MOT? Your lymph system and liver do an excellent job but the environment we live in and quality of foods eaten means the body is often overloaded.
The best way to give your body a mini MOT is through detoxing.
What Is A Detox?
You are affected by the environment you live in; your senses are constantly exposed to toxins in the form of preservatives and pesticides used to produce your food, the make-up and skin care products you use filter through your pores and add to the build up of toxins naturally produced by the body as a result of digestion and respiration.
The primary aim of a detox is to give the body a chance to rest, heal, cleanse and eliminate the build up of toxins, stimulants, and waste matter in the body.
To help you get the most out of your detox here are three common mistakes to be aware of and suggested guidelines to help you avoid making these mistakes.
1. You Do Not Set Aside The Time To Detox.
Although eating is something you do every day, when you detox your relationship to food takes on a whole new meaning. To get the most out of your detox you require time and space to prepare your meals, to sit quietly, chew your food, sip your juices, meditate upon your relationship with food and explore what is going on inside your body and accompanying thoughts.
All this takes time. And time is one thing you don’t have to spare.
Do this Instead:
To successfully complete your detox, especially if you are new to the experience, you must set aside the time to fully focus and do your detox. This means doing your detox at a time when you are less likely to be disturbed at home and/or required to complete major projects at work.
You may find it easier to do your detox over a long weekend when your children are away on a school trip or on a weekend sleep-over.
If you have a demanding job and your schedule is just too busy to squeeze in a detox, have you thought of participating in a long weekend or even week’s detox retreat or detox holiday?
Some of people who practice yoga go on regular yoga detox holidays as it gives them the space to go deeper into their yoga practice, receive therapeutic bodywork treatments as well as receive support to cleanse and detox.
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2. You Don’t Know What To Eat And Do Not Stock Up In Advance To Do Your Detox.
Ideally, you should stock up and have all the ingredients you need to hand before you start your detox. This includes any “pampering extras” such as a skin brush, candles, a journal, relaxation DVDs or visualization CDs.
Generally, when you detox you eat foods which are naturally healthy and wholesome.
- For some of you, especially, if this is your first detox, you may be unfamiliar with some of these foods and have no idea how to prepare them or what to look for.
- Also, if your regular diet consists of caffeine, highly processed sugary and fat-laden take-away foods it can be quite a shock to your system to suddenly have to cook and prepare foods in a different way.
Do This Instead:
Take your time, if you are thinking you might go on a detox, spend a few extra minutes, before you plan to start you detox, in your local whole food stores, talk with the store assistance, find out from them what foods are good to help you cleanse your body, how to cook them and you could even buy a few products which you normally don’t buy.
For example if you have never tried herbal teas, buy a packet of peppermint herbal tea and try it out; fruits, buy a fruit you don’t usually eat, just to get the experience of eating something different.
And when you decide to start your body detox, make sure you stock up on enough food so that you don’t have to rush out and buy something or worst, feel peckish and don’t have a suitable substitute on hand to snack on.
A body detox isn’t a punishment, it is simply another way to rest and nurture your body. Even if you are doing a one day detox, you need to you have all the essential foods, juices, herbs and fruit to last you throughout the day.
3. You Lack Support – Friends and Family Members Do Not Understand What You Are Doing.
It can be a lonely time being on a detox. Food and eating form a large part in your identity and cultural heritage. If you step out from your usual family/friends’ eating habits, you run the risk of ridicule and alienation from your family.
To minimize this,
- take time to explain to your family what you are doing.
- Explain to them you are not on a starvation diet just eating more simple foods for a few days.
- If you can invite friends and loved ones to join you in your detox, that’s great, that way you can share your experiences and gain support from each other.
A detox is an excellent self-care technique to cleanse and rejuvenate your body. To ensure you have a successful detox it is essential you avoid the three common mistakes people make-
- Doing a body detox during a busy time at work,
Not having the correct foods prepared and stocked up. - Lack of support from friends and family.
Instead, make sure you detox during a quieter period at work/home, stock up with wholesome foods and enlist the support of friends or family to help you stay accountable and focused on your detox intentions.
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Disclaimer: “Nothing in this article makes any claim to offer cures or treatment of any disease or illness. If you are sick please consult with your doctor.”
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Source: www.Ezinearticles.com
Enough, No More Body Pollution!
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