Creative Ways to Tell Your Partner You’re Pregnant!
Many women are interested in finding a creative way to tell their partner that they are pregnant. Every situation will be different so finding something unique is very important for this extremely special occasion.
- Sometimes women want to have the memory of sharing the news with their partner so that they can later tell their child about the reaction that their father had to their impending arrival.
- Sometimes a woman will choose to purchase a Father’s Day card in advance for her partner:
This is a creative way to let the man understand what he is going to be experiencing over the next 18 years. The subtle hints are especially effective when a couple has been trying to get pregnant for a long time and there is a great need for celebration.
- Sometimes leaving advertisements around the house related to pregnancy is another great way to make the announcement.
- Sometimes a flyer with a crib or other baby related products is just enough to do the trick to get the father to start thinking along the right track.
This approach does not always work if the man is easily distracted and he is not thinking about the small hints that are being given.
- There is also the option of setting out extra silverware and a plate at the dinner table.
- When a man asks why there is an extra setting, the woman can say that he will find out in approximately 9 months or so. It is very important to know about the way that a man is going to react when planning these types of special events.
- If the gentleman is not ready for parenthood having a serious conversation is sometimes necessary. If the woman is full of creative ideas artistic expression can be a great way to share the news.
- Sometimes writing a song or a poem about the impending birth can get a gentleman thinking about the changes that are going to take place in his life.
- Some couples even choose to have the announcement videotaped so that they can look back on the momentous occasion at some point in the future.
Making sure that the man is ready to hear about the information is extremely important before commemorating the occasion.
Pregnancy is one of the most exciting things that the couple can experience together. When two people are able to share in the joy of the event the occasion will be memorable for a lifetime.
Your Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy!
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