Different Signs of Pregnancy!
Most women are interested in learning about the different signs of pregnancy:
1. One of the most obvious symptoms is missing a menstrual cycle:
This can happen for a variety of reasons, however, when a woman is involved in sexual activity and not using protection this is one of the most common signs of pregnancy.
2. There are some women who acknowledge having a metallic taste in their mouth approximately 7 to 10 days after conception.
This usually happens because there is a change in the hormone levels that are being created within the woman’s body. Very often people do not notice this particular symptom and it is often disregarded as being under the weather.
3. Women also notice that their breasts become extremely tender to the touch:
They may even expand in size very quickly without any real explanation.
4. One of the most unfortunate side effects of pregnancy is morning sickness:
Depending on how a woman’s body responds to the increase in hormone levels, a lady can start experiencing this as soon as 3 to 6 weeks after conception.
5. Morning sickness does not necessarily have to take place in the morning:
Constantly being nauseous is a symptom of pregnancy for some women. Speaking with a physician about this issue is something that women often do when they think there is another medical cause for the problem.
6. A woman’s sense of smell may be more acute during the early stages of pregnancy.
7. It is also entirely possible that the lady will start to notice certain things tasting different to her when she consumes food.
Some women notice this is a very gradual process while others notice changes very quickly and are caught off guard by the changes happening.
8. Women will often becoming exceptionally tired during the first few weeks of pregnancy:
This usually happens because of the hormone changes in the body.
9. Strange cravings are also extremely common especially during the first pregnancy that a woman has.
Balancing being nauseous with the cravings can be very difficult.
10. Joint pain is also possible for women that are going through a pregnancy:
The majority of ladies will notice this if they have a history of arthritis or other joint related problems.
11. Frequent urination also becomes a problem because of the extra pressure being placed on the bladder.
This symptom can become very problematic if a woman is prone to urinary tract infections.
Your Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy!
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