Earliest Possible Signs Of Pregnancy!
How can you determine pregnancy before you notice a missed period?
The following methods can surely be of some help to you:
1. Body Temperature:
Women who are trying to conceive might be familiar with the methods of noting their basal body temperature. They may, therefore, notice the subtle changes in basal body temperature when they ovulate. If the temperature remains high even when it is time for your monthly cycle, you may be sure that you are pregnant. You can learn to maintain a record of your basal body temperature with the help of over-the-counter devices.
2. Tender Breasts:
Notice the changes in your breasts. Women usually notice a fullness in their breasts immediately after they have conceived, even before missing periods or any other sign of pregnancy. This is one of the first signs of pregnancy.
3. Frequent Urination:
If you find yourself visiting the bathroom often, you can be sure that you are pregnant. Frequent urination is due to increased level of a hormone known as human chorionic gonadotropin or Hcg. In fact, the first step taken by your doctor to determine if you are pregnant or not is to ask you to visit the lab for a urine test, where they will test for the presence of Hcg.
However, many women are unaware of the fact that frequent urination is the result of increased hormone activity and not because of the pushing of the fetus on the urinary bladder. The developing fetus puts a pressure on the urinary bladder only when it is large enough to do so, not in the initial stages of pregnancy. Immediately after conception, the embryo no longer than an inch.
4. Cramps:
You may experience a cramping sensation when you conceive or even during the first few weeks of pregnancy. This is because your ligaments are making way for the newcomer to grow and develop. Some women hardly feel these cramps; others complain of cramping and tightening sensation in the region of their wombs. This sensation, too, has been reported by many women as one of the first signs of pregnancy.
5. Missed Period:
A woman who misses her period would naturally suspect pregnancy. However, a missed period need not always mean pregnancy. You can miss a period for any number of reasons. The culprit could be stress or a change in your exercise regime.
If you suspect pregnancy, purchase a home pregnancy test kit to determine the truth for yourself. Purchase the kit even if you had an unusually short period or simply spotting. The results of this test will definitely tell you whether you are pregnant or not. It is now time to put yourself under the care of a qualified medical doctor.
You might feel like celebrating after you have confirmed the fact that you are pregnant. However, remember that since you are now pregnant, you cannot indulge on smoking. In addition, you have to reduce your consumption of caffeine, eat healthy, and follow the advise of your doctor.
Confusing Signs Of Pregnancy:
When a woman draws closer to her period, she normally feels weary and bloated. In fact, the earliest days of pregnancy, which manifest signs similar to the onset of a period, could be easily misunderstood as just another period. Since each woman and each pregnancy is not the same, the signs of early pregnancy could be different for each woman.
They can be different for different pregnancies in the same woman:
- For example, a woman who has already had a baby need not necessarily know that she has conceived when it happens a second time.
Women, therefore, should know about the earliest signs of pregnancy so that they can care for the health of their unborn child and themselves.
- One of the earliest and most ignored sign of pregnancy is the simple feeling that something is not the same.
It could be disregarded as wishful thinking, especially if the woman has been trying for a baby for a long time.
- However, many women have reported to have had this feeling just before their pregnancy was clinically confirmed.
While it isn’t a rule that all women have this feeling, such flashes of intuitions are not to be taken lightly if they do occur.
- The earliest signs of pregnancy, as already mentioned, can be mistaken to be another period.
Even the fact that the woman is visiting the bathroom often can be overlooked because this can happen even during a period.
- Tenderness in the breast and slight bleeding occurs even just before a period, which is why many women won’t be aware of their condition until several weeks later. Sometimes, there are no signs at all, and the would-be mother won’t suspect her condition until she has missed her second period.
- Another sign of pregnancy is associated with the desire for sex.
While some women are not interested in sex during the first trimester because it causes a lot of discomfort to them, others enjoy an increased appetite for sex.
The reason is due to changes in hormonal activity within the body, which increases the flow of blood to the genitals and the breasts. Both attitudes to sex are absolutely normal, and the signs will soon disappear as the pregnancy progresses.
The earliest signs of pregnancy could easily confuse and mislead a woman. You should learn the language of your body and observe the changes in it carefully. How fast you become aware that you are pregnant depends on how keenly you can observe your body and understand its language.
Your Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy!
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