Home Made Remedies for the Skin!
Drinking solutions is one of the best ways to detoxify the body. But not the only way. There are many who do not want to take the solutions for a variety of different reasons, or who also want additional body detoxification.
Using massage oils made from essential oils is one way that you can work to detoxify your body on a long term scale. Essential oils should never be used directly on the skin, with the exception of Rose and Lavender, as they can cause a reaction. As discussed earlier, aromatherapy works to detoxify your body in a slower way and will work continually over a period of time.
You can find essential oils for these recipes online or in some health food stores. It is very important that you use pure essential oils or extracts for these recipes as synthetics will not give you the same results.
These recipes are all safe to use topically as massage oils. You can also use the alternate recipes, given after the massage oil recipe, to inhale the oils to allow for detoxification to go through the lungs.
These are all safe and tested recipes for aromatherapy style detoxification:
1. Aromatherapy Body Detoxification One – Lavender and Rose:
A. This is one of the easiest of all of the aromatherapy detoxification recipes: It combines two of the safest essential oils that will not only relax you, but cleanse your body of its impurities.
- 1/2 Cup Lavender Oil.
- 1/4 Cup Rose Oil.
b. Mix well together and then massage onto your feet, neck and chest area: The essential oils will be absorbed into your skin and then into your blood stream. This is a good recipe for those who are tense and want to relax, while detoxifying their body at the same time.
C. You can also put the oils directly into an infuser and breath in the scent: This will allow it to be absorbed into the lungs.
D. Another alternate to this recipe is to put the oils in your bath and soak in them: You will start to feel relaxed right away as you will not only be breathing in the oils, but allowing them to soak into your bloodstream through your skin.
Remember, lavender and rose are the only essential oils that are safe to put directly on the skin. The rest of the recipes will involve the use of a carrier oil for direct skin contact.
2. Aromatherapy Body Detoxification Two – Frankincense:
A. Frankincense has been used as a healing potent for thousands of years: You can use this as a way to get rid of body toxins as well as help your circulatory system:
- 1 Cup Carrier Oil (such as canola oil).
- 1 Teaspoon of pure Frankincense.
- Mix the oils together well.
- You should put them in a dark bottle with a cork lid for the best results.
- Once they are mixed together, you can then use them as a massage oil.
- Rub the soles of your feet with this mixture as well as the chest area.
- This will do wonders for your circulatory system and the scent is pleasant.
- If you have a partner, see if they will massage your back.
B. You can get canola oil at any grocery store: Frankincense is a common essential oil that can be used as a body detoxifier and is found at most health food stores. Remember to only use pure Frankincense for this recipe.
C. You can also put the oil in an infuser and breathe in: Because the scent of this essential oil is so pleasant, many people choose to not only use it as a massage oil, but also as a relaxing scent.
3. Aromatherapy Body Detoxification Three – Tea Tree Oil & Lemon:
A. Both Tree Tea Oil and Lemon Oil are useful when it come to helping the digestive system: If you want to lose weight as well as clear out your digestive system so that it works well, you can make this mix at home and use it as a massage oil or in an infuser:
- 1 Cup Carrier Oil (such as canola oil).
- 1/2 Teaspoon of Tea Tree Oil.
- 1/2 Teaspoon of Pure lemon oil (not lemon juice).
B. Mix the oils together in a brown bottle and shake: Use them in the same manner as you use the other aromatherapy massage oils. You can also inhale them in the infuser.
C. Be sure to get pure lemon oil and not lemon juice: Pure lemon extract will work as a substitute for this type of detoxification if you cannot find pure lemon oil. Tea Tree oil is available at most health food stores – just be sure that it is pure and not made from synthetics.
4. Aromatherapy Body Detoxification Four – Almond:
This is one of the aromatherapy treatments that you can use from extracts that are readily available in the grocery store. You should still use a carrier oil when you are using extracts.
- 1 Cup Carrier oil (such as canola oil).
- 1 Teaspoon of pure Almond Extract.
- 1 Teaspoon of pure Vanilla Extract.
Combine all of the products and shake well in the bottle: You can then apply on the skin. The scent is very nice and you can also burn the oils on their own in the infuser. This is a body detoxification that will work to bolster the immune system and clear out any toxins. Best of all, you can easily find the extracts when you are in the store.
Using massage therapy and breathing in the essential oils is one way that you can detoxify your body at home. In addition to using these techniques, however you should still practice good habits such as not smoking, limiting your alcohol intake and drinking plenty of water.
Enough, No More Body Pollution!
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