How To Avoid Constipation During Pregnancy!
- For the first trimester she is always failing to hold her food in:
Vomiting is her constant activity during the day. At the middle going throughout her last trimester her problem becomes the opposite. She can’t seem to get rid of her food which she ate days ago. This is what constipation does.
- Alarming, at the same time, it is normal for a woman with child:
Her constantly changing body goes through a new phase all thanks to a hormone called progesterone. This hormones are produced the body to decrease the movement of the muscles in the digestive tracks.
This will make it work lengthy for better absorption of nutrients by the fetus. The downside to this change is constipation. Sequentially, it will create more problems like hemorrhoids if not being dealt with early on.
- Circumventing the scenario is the best solution:
A high fiber diet before this discomfort takes effect can eliminate it all together. Like sponges fibers take in plenty of water that softens the stool therefore making it effortless to move out of the body. To name a few there is pineapple fruit, wheat bread, cereals, oats and whole grains. So, replace the usual white bread on the table with wheat, and these small adjustments will help you throughout your pregnancy.
- Prune juice can help as well, they contain loads of fibers:
There are raisins, a handful while watching TV can go a long way. Target to have 25 grams and above fiber intake daily, surely this will keep a smile on the mother’s face. Be sure on having them in different varieties.
That way it will not be tiring of having the same old thing over and over again. Look for nutritional values on the carton labels when buying at groceries can help as well. Warning, excessive fiber leads to diarrhea that causes dehydration. Over loading the body can be harmful for the mother and her child.
- Liquids can do wonders for the skin:
It moisturizes the body. Think of how it can do to a constipated mother with child. They make the movement of food in the digestive system smoothly. Eight times a day, that’s how frequent water should be taken in glasses. Also, even though iron is a good mineral that helps prevent anemia of the baby, it can be the source of constipation.
- Consulting the doctor is nothing to be afraid of:
The contents of the supplemental medicines that were prescribed may contain ample amounts to iron. Doctors are known to custom fit those vitamins and minerals according to the needs of their patient. It will be best if the doctor examines the mother to adjust her medications.
- Bananas are bad for a constipating person:
It has a tendency to solidify the human excreta. That’s why it will be a great idea to keep your hands free of this fruit for now. There are fruits that promote good bowel movement, opt to eat those instead. Apples have the same effect like bananas.
- Natural laxatives are sure ways to cure an ailing intestinal problem:
But high doses of it will turn into a bigger concern. Taking in too much fiber can lead the stool to become very loose. Therefore leading to diarrhea that can deplete the body of it’s liquid. This will lower the potassium that is a life-threatening case both for the mother and the unborn.
That’s why take it in just the right amount, not too much but not too little. Guarding the health of the mother will insure the safety of the child. They are almost one and the same entity now.
Your Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy!
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