Body Detox: How to Detox in Seven Easy Steps?
When was the last time you had a detox? Does the thought of having a detox freak you out and you wonder how you will manage for even one day without food?
Maybe you are not sure what a detox is but hear work colleagues talk about how great they feel after a weekend detox and you wonder whether you would benefit.
It can be quite frightening to think about going on a detox – especially if your normal diet consists of fast foods, caffeine, snacking and eating on the run.
The purpose of a detox is:
- To give your body a chance to rest, re-balance and cleanse.
- A detox helps to remove toxins from your body.
- And gives your vital organs and digestive system a chance to rest and rejuvenate.
- A regular detox, forms parts of your intention to live a healthy and more holistic lifestyle.
- The regular breaks from your usual diet will help to re-balance your energy and leave you feeling feel lighter, clearer and more energized.
If you have never detoxed before, it is important you consider the following seven points before you start. This will ensure you are physically and mentally prepared to get your detox off to a good start.
How to Detox in Seven Easy Steps?
1.Think about how you feel about your body now and how you would like to feel at the end of your detox.
Do you want to feel rested? Calmer? Cleaner? Stronger? Keep an open mind and during your detox hold your intention in your heart every time you are tempted to stray from your program.
2. Be creative:
A detox gives you a chance to eat foods which you may not usually eat. For instance, as a child I “hated” celery, but during my first detox I developed a taste for celery and it now forms a part of my regular diet. I encourage you to use the space to try different types of fruit, vegetables and herbal teas.
3. Decide in advance how long you wish to detox:
If it is your first detox then maybe a one day detox might be enough for you. Motivation plays a major part in sticking with it, so choose a length of time which you can fit comfortably around your daily schedule. Maybe a weekend when your children are away would be an ideal time for you.
4. Keep your heart and mind open:
Be a witness to all that is going on inside your body. You may experience a slight headache, feel dizzy, tired or even weepy as your mind and body adjust to you being on a detox – especially if this is your first time.
5. Keep a journal and record your thoughts, emotions and inspirations:
A detox offers you a wonderful way to explore your relationship with food, the way you eat, what you eat and why. This may be the first time you consciously eat foods to cleanse and re-balance your energy. Use your journal to record your inner world.
6. The new you:
Hold in your heart (or journal) changes you would like to make into your daily life following your detox – maybe you would like to start your regular day off with a slice of lemon and hot water instead of your usual coffee or cup of tea.
7. Invite a few friends or your partner to join you on your detox:
You can encourage and inspire each other and share your experiences. Any journey is easier with a friend.
A detox is a commitment you make to yourself. It offers you an opportunity to explore your relationship with food and to cleanse, rejuvenate and re-balance your body. Take your time and enjoy the experience. I would love to know how you got on and am happy to offer you guidance and support as you detox.
Disclaimer: “Nothing in this article makes any claim to offer cures or treatment of any disease or illness. If you are sick please consult with your doctor.”
Enough, No More Body Pollution!
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