I’m Pregnant – Should I Eat Differently Now?
As a mom-to-be, you’re likely more cautious about what you eat. Early on that might be focused around morning sickness, but as time goes on its becomes a concern to make sure that you are eating nutritiously.
So what should the diet of a pregnant woman look like?
Here’s how to make sure both you and your baby get the necessary nutrients.
1. Foods that are rich in protein: such as eggs, chicken, lean meats and legumes (i.e. beans, lentils, edamame, chickpeas, etc.)
2. Fruits and vegetables – fresh is always preferred: Other options include dried, frozen, and canned. Berries are rich in antioxidants. A diet that includes a good balance of fruits and vegetables is preferred. Below you will find those listed that are high in folic acid.
3. Starchy foods: such as pasta, potatoes, bread, and rice.
4. Dairy foods : such as cheese, yogurt, and milk.
5. Plenty of water: to remove toxins from the body.
Sources of Folic Acid:
During pregnancy folic acid intake is important because it helps to protect an unborn baby from developing neural tube defects like spina bifida. Your doctor will tell you how much folic acid is recommended.
The following are good sources of folic acid:
1. Vegetables: including avocados, endives, green peas, broccoli, baby carrots, seaweed, cauliflower, parsley, spinach, Brussels sprouts, mustard greens, beets, Romaine lettuce, and asparagus.
2. Legumes: including Romano beans, lentils, white beans, black beans, edamame, kidney beans, chickpeas, and pinto beans.
3. Pasta, bread, and bagels: that are made from enriched wheat flour.
4. Fruits and berries: such as strawberries, raspberries, kiwis, blackberries, and clementines.
5. Seeds and nuts: such as peanuts, sunflower seeds, almonds, hazelnuts, almonds, and walnuts.
6. Juices: including pineapple juice and orange juice from concentrate.
7. Enriched breakfast cereals.
During your pregnancy, making healthy food choices is important.
There may be some foods that don’t agree with you – of course, you should avoid those foods. There are many choices under every category so choose an option that you enjoy and that agrees with you.
Calorie counting may not be necessary; however, weight gain is a common concern among mothers-to-be so it’s a good idea to monitor your weight, and to at least be aware of the foods you are eating. Cravings can be hard to control and often changes in metabolism can result in burning calories differently. Making healthy food choices will help with weight gain and ensure you and baby are getting the nutrition you need.
Pregnancy Nutrition Tips You Should Know:
We already know just how important it is for us to be well nourished throughout our pregnancy. These nutritional tips are easy to implement and are highly beneficial so why not implement them today?
- Just One Apple a Day Will Keep Asthma Away:
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Who hasn’t heard this before? But what many are unaware of is that the research shows that eating just one apple a day throughout your pregnancy will actually reduce your child’s risk of developing asthma when he/she is older.
One of the studies learned that when mothers ate apples regularly throughout their pregnancy these children had far less wheezing and other asthmatic symptoms.
- Eat a Banana to Reduce Swelling:
Edema is common with pregnancy. However, the potassium that is in bananas can actually help to reduce your swollen feet and legs. So why not go ape and start eating plenty of bananas.
- If You Want a Happy Baby Eat Chocolate:
In 2004, Finland scientists found that eating just a small amount of chocolate regularly throughout your pregnancy led to having a happier baby. The study questioned 300 women who ate chocolate throughout their pregnancy and they reported happier babies than their counterparts.
However, this doesn’t give you an excuse to eat chocolate excessively.
Remember just a tiny bit daily will satisfy your chocolate cravings and keep your baby happy. It’s a win-win.
- Skimmed Milk Equals Whole Milk:
If you have always drank skimmed milk and the thought of drinking the fatter, richer whole milk doesn’t sit well with you, there is some great news – Skim milk has as much calcium as whole milk it just doesn’t have the same fat content. So you can drink with the worry of calories and enjoy all of the benefits.
- Coal and Mud Cravings Mean More Iron is Needed:
If you have strange cravings to eat coal or mud, it means your likely need more iron. Visit your OB or midwife to be tested for anaemia. You can increase your consumption of foods that contain iron or if you’re really depleted you may be given an iron supplement.
Woman who are pregnant commonly stress and worry about whether they are eating right. A healthy diet is a great start. These simple tips are a great way to add to your nutrition and they will benefit both you and your baby.
Your Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy!
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