Negative Effects of Stress during Pregnancy!
There are many different negative effects of stress in pregnancy.
- Can impact on the hormone levels of a woman who is trying to conceive a child.
- When conception is not successful women tend to become extremely depressed.
- This depression can lead to a longer time trying to conceive a child than either party anticipates.
1. Stress during pregnancy can be detrimental for a great number of reasons:
- When a woman is under a great deal of stress she will usually experience an increase in her blood pressure.
- This is detrimental to the baby because the mother’s heart will be working overtime in order to produce blood that the baby needs to survive.
2. The metabolism of the mother will also be affected by stress:
- When a woman is not metabolizing food properly the baby will not be receiving proper nutrients so both will suffer.
- The mother will not be able to eat on a consistent basis when she is constantly stressed out.
- The lack of food can lead to malnutrition for the baby which can cause numerous health problems.
3. Stress can also cause an individual to take part in negative behaviors:
- Many women who are stressed out will give into their addictions even though they know it is not in the best interest of the baby.
- If a woman is constantly under stress she will be more likely to smoke and drink even though she is pregnant.
- Both of these choices can lead to birth defects and lower birth weights for the baby.
4. Women also elevate their blood pressure when they are worried about various things:
- Having an elevated blood pressure can cause many different medical conditions related to heart health.
- When a woman is not able to get her pulse back under control damage can take place very quickly to the health of the child that she is carrying.
5. Stress can also cause hormonal imbalances and emotional disturbances for pregnant women:
- These issues can be prolonged and trigger bouts of depression.
- These bouts of depression will be worse if an individual has a history of mental illness in the past.
- Whenever possible it is best for a woman to try and avoid stressful situations during pregnancy.
If a woman is constantly concerned about certain issues she may be more likely to have a miscarriage during the early stages of pregnancy. This usually happens because hormonal levels do not stay high enough to sustain the pregnancy.
Your Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy!
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