Vaginal Candida-Yeast Infections, Natural Cures – Causes, Symptoms and Remedies!
Vaginal Candida Yeast Infections:
Candidiasis is an infection caused by a yeast (a type of fungus) called Candida. Candida normally lives inside the body (in places such as the mouth, throat, gut, and vagina) and on the skin without causing any problems. Sometimes Candida can multiply and cause an infection if the environment inside the vagina changes in a way that encourages its growth. Candidiasis in the vagina is commonly called a “vaginal yeast infection.” Other names for this infection are “vaginal candidiasis” “vulvovaginal candidiasis” or “candidal vaginitis.”
Vaginal yeast infection Avaginal yeast infection is an infection of the vagina that causes itching and burning of the vulva, the area around the vagina. Three out of four women will have a yeast infection at some point in their life. Yeast infections are easy to treat, but it is important to see your doctor or nurse if you think you have an infection.
Yeast Infection,
in the vagina is not considered a sexually transmitted disease because Candida Albicans, a certain type of yeast, is found in the natural flora and fauna of the vagina. It thrives in moist, warm areas like the mouth or in the skin. The balance is maintained by other organisms that co-exist with them to keep a healthy balance.
Who Gets Vaginal Yeast Infections?
- Women and girls of all ages can get vaginal yeast infections.
- Three out of four women will have a yeast infection at some point in their life.
- Almost half of women have two or more infections.
- Vaginal yeast infections are rare before puberty and after menopause.
Sign And Symptoms of Vaginal Yeast Infections:
The most common symptom of a vaginal yeast infection is extreme itchiness in and around the vagina.
Other signs and symptoms include:
- Burning, redness, and swelling of the vagina and the vulva.
- Pain when urinating.
- Pain during sex.
- Soreness.
- A thick, white vaginal discharge that looks like cottage cheese and does not have a bad smell.
- You may have only a few of these symptoms. They may be mild or severe.
Although most vaginal candidiasis is mild, some women can develop severe infections involving redness, swelling, and cracks in the wall of the vagina.
Contact your healthcare provider if you have any of these symptoms. These symptoms are similar to those of other types of vaginal infections, which are treated with different types of medicines. A healthcare provider can tell you if you have vaginal candidiasis and how to treat it.
Causes of Vaginal Yeast Infections:
Yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of the microscopic fungus Candida.
Your vagina may have small amounts of yeast at any given time without causing any symptoms. But when too much yeast grows, you can get an infection.
Candida is a yeast infection that is caused by a fungus called ‘Candida Albicans’. It is one of the common infections affecting almost everyone. However, the severity of the infection will differ from person to person. Most people either ignore Candida symptoms or even misinterpret them.
Thus, yeast overgrowth usually occurs as the result of:
- Fatigue.
- High stress.
- Hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle.
- Increased warmth and moisture in the vaginal area.
- Menopause.
- Not drying the outer vaginal area thoroughly after bathing.
- Birth control pills.
- Poor diet.
- Poorly ventilated underwear.
- Poor personal hygiene.
- Pregnancy.
- Certain drugs.
- Use of ‘broad spectrum’ antibiotics.
- Vaginal intercourse without adequate lubrication.
- Sweating.
- High diabetes, which raises blood sugar levels making a conducive environment for yeast fungus to grow.
If you notice any of these, then you should immediately consult a qualified nutritional therapist for Candida causes and testing for cures.
Risk Factors:
Vaginal candidiasis is common, though more research is needed to understand how many women are affected. Women who are more likely to get vaginal candidiasis include those who:
- Are pregnant.
- Use hormonal contraceptives (for example, birth control pills).
- Have diabetes.
- Have a weakened immune system (for example, due to HIV infection or medicines that weaken the immune system, such as steroids and chemotherapy).
- Are taking or have recently taken antibiotics.
Yeast infections are usually treated with antifungal medicine. See your doctor or nurse make sure that you have a vaginal yeast infection and not another type of infection.
You can then buy antifungal medicine for yeast infections at a store, without a prescription. Antifungal medicines come in the form of creams, tablets, ointments, or suppositories that you insert into your vagina. You can apply treatment in one dose or daily for up to seven days, depending on the brand you choose.
Your Doctor Or Nurse,
Can also give you a single dose of antifungal medicine taken by mouth, such as fluconazole (floo-CON-uh-zohl). If you get more than four vaginal yeast infections a year, or if your yeast infection doesn’t go away after using over-the-counter treatment, you may need to take regular doses of antifungal medicine for up to six months.
Diagnosis & Testing:
A laboratory test is usually needed to diagnose vaginal candidiasis because the symptoms are similar to those of other types of vaginal infections. A healthcare provider will usually diagnose vaginal candidiasis by taking a small sample of vaginal discharge to be examined under a microscope or sent to a laboratory for a fungal culture.
However, a positive fungal culture does not always mean that Candida is causing the symptoms because some women can have Candida in the vagina without having any symptoms.
Types of Candida Cures:
There are different strains of Candida infection and hence only a qualified therapist will be able to identify suitable Candida causes and testing for cures after performing a stool test. The treatment basically involves eliminating certain types of foods from your diets, such as food containing sugar and yeast.
The therapist may also recommend antifungal supplements and diets that include garlic, oregano oil and citrus seed extract that can help you get rid of Candida. However, dietary changes are recommended only for a certain period of time which only a good therapist can determine and suggest.
Dietary Recommendations For Yeast Infection:
Any woman with a yeast infection should be particularly careful about her diet, as some foods promote fungal growth. Try to include:
- Fresh vegetables and fruits.
- Fish.
- Whole grains.
- Essential fatty acids, such as nuts.
- Plenty of fresh water.
- Alcohol.
- Animal Fats.
- Caffeine.
- Dairy products, such as cheese, ice-cream.
- Fast foods.
- Pickle, vinegar or any yeast product.
- Fermented food.
- Hydrogenated oils and margarine.
- Processed foods.
- Sugar, sweets, chocolates.
- White and processed flour products.
How to prevent Vaginal Candida Yeast Infection?
Every three out of four women experience at least one yeast infection during her life; many experience recurrent infections. However, one can reduce the probability of recurrent attacks by practicing some preventive steps:
- Always wear white cotton panties. Nylon and Lycra may trap air and create a breeding ground for yeast.
- Keep the external genital area clean and dry.
- Avoid antibiotics and steroids, because they destroy the competing bacteria and allow yeast to overgrow.
- Avoid irritating and perfumed soaps, vaginal sprays.
- Change tampons and sanitary napkins frequently.
- After swimming, change quickly into dry clothing instead of sitting in a wet bathing suit for prolonged periods.
- Take antibiotics only as prescribed by a doctor.
- If diabetic, try to keep tight control over blood sugar levels.
- Avoid using oral contraceptives if you have a yeast infection.
- Avoid the use of petroleum-based lubricants for vaginal lubrication during sexual intercourse. Try using water-based lubricants.
- Eating one cup of yogurt a day helps some women prevent yeast infections that often follow antibiotic treatment. However, eating yogurt will not cure a yeast infection.
- Do not wear underwear at night, as our body needs to dry after a day of clothing which traps heat and moisture.
Steps to Eliminate Candida For Good:
If you suspect you have Candida, here are the 8 steps you might like to try:
1. Change bad lifestyle choices and diet:
Certain foods, especially sugar, fruit and any foods which are converted into sugar in the body. Most carbohydrates, especially simple carbohydrates.
2. Detox:
Cleanse and detox your body with Lugol’s solution, herbs or other anti-fungal medication.
3. Probiotic:
Introduce a good probiotic or fermented food every day.
4. Supplements:
- Supplements like Colostrum, vitamin C with bioflavonoids, vitamin A, beta-carotene, zinc and thymus extract, will help strengthen the immune system.
- For general health, You would also add a good multivitamin-mineral supplement and additionally some plant-based colloidal minerals as well.
- By including plant-based colloidal minerals you are making sure you get all the required minerals.
5. Address Allergies:
They will hinder your progress and add an extra burden on your already compromised immune system. In my clinic, the hair test I use has been very successful with many of my clients.
Basic Tips For Faster Healing – Candida Natural Remedies
There is no definite medication for candida infection. Antibiotics and steroids will only make things worse. There are many more effective natural cures for candida. However, any candida natural remedies are more effective if you start your healing process from the basics.
1. Adopt a sugar-free low carb diet:
- Candida feeds on sugar, so you can start by eliminating all sugars from your diet.
- This is an important step to save the yeast from multiplying.
- Avoid all sweet foods, honey, fruit juices, dried and fresh fruits.
- Also, Avoid milk and dairy products because of their high content of lactose and antibiotic residues.
- You should also avoid alcohol, bread, potatoes, and other high carb food as they can be broken down into sugars and promote candida growth.
2. Stay away from any food which consists of yeast:
This includes yeast extract, stock cubes, bread, alcoholic drinks, vinegar, black tea, pastries, cookies as they encourage candida growth. Instead, increase your intake from fresh vegetables, especially the green leafy ones, fish, poultry.
If eliminating candida causing food is difficult, you should take one step at a time. For example, give up yeast and sugary products for the first month, second month, give up dairy products, and the third month, give up bread and so on.
3. Include natural antifungals in your diet:
- Try to include these natural antifungals in your diet and cooking.
- Oregano, fennel, basil, coriander, parsley, mint, garlic, rosemary, thyme, ginger, and extra virgin olive oil.
- They are all very potent antifungal and intestine cleansers.
- Garlic, especially when eaten raw, is a very effective candida natural cure.
4. Drink Plenty of Water:
You might have heard this many times, but I have to stress that drinking pure clean water is the best way to flush out the toxins produced by candida as they die off.
5. Increase intake of friendly bacteria:
Replenish your beneficial bacteria by using a supplement of Acidophilus that guarantees at least 2 billion viable organisms per capsule. Consume homemade yogurt. The commercial ones are less effective as the friendly bacteria is weakened.
6. Boost Your Immune System by taking Vitamins:
Most people do not realize the connection of having a strong immune system in treating candida growth. A strong immune system will destroy candida overgrowth! Simple! Start by practicing a healthy lifestyle with plenty of exercises and rest with a healthy diet. Ensure your body gets the essential vitamins for a healthy immune system.
Vitamin C and E,
are especially important to increase resistance to harmful organisms such as candida. Do not forget about zinc, another mineral which supports the immune system.
Last but not least, gets a lot of fresh air and sunlight. These two are what we need to get rid of parasites and harmful bacteria from our body. What I have listed above is the basics of treating candida.
Herbal Remedies For Candida:
Most herbal treatments for a yeast outbreak can work for any type – including penile, vaginal, oral or skin yeast infections. There might, however, be different methods of using the herbs – some can be taken internally, while others are most effective when applied topically to open sores, lesions or blisters in the vaginal area or on the penile shaft (or the affected skin in the male genital area).
1. Shark Liver Oil:
- One of the most popular choices in dealing with Candida is the addition of shark liver oil to your diet.
- It’s believed that shark liver oil does wonders for the body when it comes to improving the health of the immune system.
- This is important for sufferers of Candida since the best weapon we all have against Candida running wild in our bodies is our own immune system.
2. Grapefruit Seed Extract:
- Grapefruit seed extract is an anti-fungal solution that helps to raise the bodies pH back to a level where it becomes too acidic for the Candida to live.
- Helping to raise the bodies’ pH level back to healthy levels is an effective way to treat Candida.
3. Garlic Pills:
- Garlic pills are another common, all-natural way to deal with Candida. It’s believed that garlic can inhibit the growth of Candida in the human body since it does have some antimicrobial properties.
- An even more effective version of garlic, a purified extract known as allyl alcohol, has shown to be effective in killing yeast, and therefore Candida, in lab tests.
- The same tests have shown that the garlic can start working within hours of ingestion, making it a popular choice.
4. Certain Natural Oils:
- Certain oils have also demonstrated an ability to kill or suppress Candida in lab tests on animals.
- Natural oils from cayenne pepper, cloves and especially oregano have been tested and shown to help Candida sufferers.
- They showed an ability to reduce the amount of Candida in animals with a suppressed immune system and an ability to reduce the overall number of colonies of Candida in animals, as well.
5. Tea Tree Oil:
- It’s another herbal remedy that has shown good anti-fungal properties, as well as anti-Candida properties.
- Tea tree oil works best when rubbed into the skin in areas where the Candida infection is present, like the feet or anywhere where a Candida-caused outbreak of psoriasis has occurred.
- Studies showed that the tea tree oil weakened the cell walls of the yeast, making them easier for the bodies immune system to kill off.
6. Lactoferrin:
which comes from whey protein, has been shown in lab studies to help the body fight off yeasts, bacteria, and even some parasites. It has shown to survive the stomachs digestive juices and make its way into the intestine where it can battle the Candida.
Candida is a fairly new condition and is still so controversial, there really is no medical consensus as to the best way to treat it herbally. The best choice for anyone looking to treat their Candida is to speak with a doctor, or at the very least a trained dietician about what treatment is best for you.
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Disclaimer: “Nothing in this article makes any claim to offer cures or treatment for any disease or illness. If you are sick please consult with your doctor.”
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