Vegetables Juicing Versus Fruits Juicing? Which One is Healthier?
Vegetables Juicing Versus Fruits Juicing: juices
Many of us love juicing, but, the fact is that some juices are superior to others. Some people disagree with this statement because both fruits and vegetables are packed full of nutrients, but, the truth is that fruits are also loaded with sugar and vegetables include nutrients that fruits don’t have. v
If you are worried about your health and want to switch to a healthy option, make fresh fruit and vegetable juices an integral part of your diet. With a long list of the benefits of juicing, you are sure to reap the benefits and enjoy life to the fullest.
1. Fruit Juices Are Full Of Sugar:
Fruit juices are great for you, they are full of nutrients, but, they are also full of natural sugar. Vegetable juices are not.
Think about it like this, would you sit down and eat a cup of strawberries, two bananas, half a cup of mangos, a handful of grapes, and a few plums in a single sitting?
No, you would not, because you would end up going into sugar overload. It is true that the sugar found in fruits is much better for you than the refined stuff you buy at the store, but, too much of it can still affect you in the same way. vegetables juicing
because the fruit is juiced, you intake a lot more than when you eat whole fruit, the same thing that happens with dried fruit. There is also the fact that the fiber is removed from the fruit when juicing, so, the sugar impact is much higher than when eating them in the whole form.
- Vegetable juices, on the other hand, contain much less sugar than fruit varieties.
- Also, Vegetable juices contain fewer calories and offer vital antioxidants and other nutritional benefits.
2. Vegetables Have A Higher PH Than Fruit:
Vegetables generally have more alkalizing properties than fruits do, which, means that vegetables will help to balance the over-acidification of the body.
When the body is in balance, germs are unable to get a foothold! This means you will be less likely to get sick even if those around you are sick. The PH level in bodily fluids affects every single cell in our bodies. The entire metabolic system relies on the balance of the internal alkaline environment.
There are a few fruits that have high alkalizing properties, such as, lemons, limes, cantaloupes, and apricots. The rest of the fruits can’t compete with vegetables when it comes to stabilizing alkalinity in the body.
Basically what all of this means is that a body that has a well-balanced PH is more able to fight and reverse disease, but, a body that has an acidic environment is prone to many health issues, allergies, joint problems, and digestive problems.
3. Calorie Count:
In general, vegetables contain much fewer calories than fruits do:
The fact is that one piece of fruit can contain 60 calories and will produce about 4 ounces of juice. Given that the average serving size of fruit juice is 16 ounces, you can see how it would be easy to consume 240 calories in just one juice.
a cup of vegetables has about 25 calories, so by drinking vegetable juice, you would only consume about 100 calories, which is less than half. Also, since the calories from fruit are made up of complex carbohydrates, they will be quickly absorbed into your bloodstream and will not keep you satisfied, as well as, vegetable juice will.
4. What you can if you cannot stand the taste of vegetable juices?
Many people stick to juicing fruits because they like the way they taste much more than the way vegetable juice tastes.
- One of the things that you can do is to start adding vegetable juice into the fruit juices you already drink.
- Add spinach or kale to your morning fruit juice.
- Add some cucumber juice to your afternoon drink.
- Then begin adding more and more vegetables and less and fewer fruits.
Make sure you still like the flavor and don’t push yourself too far too fast, but if you continue to do this you will find that you are getting used to the flavor of vegetable juices, drinking fewer fruit juices, and feeling better overall.
Another option is:
- To add green apples, lemons, and limes to your vegetable blends, they are not too high in sugar and will add crisp sweetness and refreshing flavors.
- Ginger is another great sweet flavor and a little goes a long way.
Difference between Vegetables and Fruit Juice:
- Vegetables are the building blocks of life, responsible for strong, healthy muscles, tissues, glands, and organs.
- By consuming vegetables in juice form, you are assured that you get nearly 100 percent of the available nutrients, particularly minerals.
- Fruits are the revitalizer and cleansers of the body.
What is the difference between the fresh bottled juice in the market and the juice you make using your own juicer?
The juice from the juicer is different from bottled, canned, or concentrated juices sold in the supermarket.
- First, it is absolutely fresh-which is important because nutrients lose a lot of value soon after juicing.
- Second, juice from the juicer is not pasteurized, which means “cooked or heated” and so is bursting with the living cells which is important to good health.
- Finally, fresh juice is absolutely pure, free of additives and preservatives.
Fresh Juice Health Benefits:
- Flushes out body toxins, leaving you feeling refreshed, energized, and relaxed.
- It will make your skin glow, your hair shine, and your breath fresh.
- Individuals who drink three or four glasses of different juice combinations a day report that they have more energy and fewer colds and other infections.
- You will experience that your joint will become flexible again.
- Teeth and gums will be less prone to bleeding and cavities.
- If you are already suffering from chronic disease you will feel that drinking more glasses of fresh juice especially green vegetable juice which contains chlorophyll will make you feel better and might even cure you.
- Chlorophyll which is found only in plants appears to combat tumor growth. There are numerous health problems that are helped or sometimes prevented simply through a healthful diet of juice and raw vegetables.
Also Juicing,
- Maximizes the amount of healing compounds that can be consumed each day. You can squeeze all the nutrients in 5 oranges into one 8oz glass.
- Process breaks open tough plant-cell walls, which triples that amount of nutrient absorbed into the bloodstream to neutralize acid, stimulate the release of stored fat and improve the body’s ability to flush fat-trapping chemicals.
- Restores your liver’s ability to produce detoxifying enzymes.
- Has been proven effective in helping to increased energy, clear skin, improve digestion, improve memory, and balance hormone.
How to Create Fruit and Vegetable Juice Recipes?
Creating your own fruit and vegetable juice recipes is not as difficult as it may seem. First and foremost, you should start with products that you like. Slipping in the highly nutritious vegetables that you don’t like is what makes juicing so beneficial. However, if you don’t like the taste of your beverage, it is never going to help benefit your body.
There is a wide variety of vegetable juicing recipes that are available. Some have specific benefits to them such as weight loss or improved immune function. To create recipes with these benefits, you will need to learn more about simple superfoods and how they help the body. However, when you start creating your own fruit and vegetable recipes, you will want to focus on taste. This is because you are going to be drinking it!
One thing to realize when creating fruit and vegetable juice recipes is that overemphasis on one vegetable might create an unpalatable beverage. it is very difficult to drink only spinach juice or only kale juice. The leafy greens can be a little on the bitter side. You can tone them down by adding lemon, apple, or carrot. This will sweeten them up. You also may want to consider a cucumber to dilute the taste. Cucumbers have a mild flavor and a high water content.
Here’re some Vegetable And Fruit Juice Recipes:
When using vegetable juice recipes for the first time, check the list of ingredients carefully. Keep in mind that vegetables vary in taste. Some may taste bitter, spicy or starchy, or even too sweet. These are wonderful qualities, however, and give good health and well-being. vegetables juicing
Do not be afraid to tweak the recipe to your taste, though. Just make sure you substitute with an ingredient that suits your preference. Here are a few recipes you can use:
1. Simple Carrot Juice:
This is one of the most basic vegetable juice recipes you can use. It is tasty and citrusy; the sweetness is provided by the carrots and a slight bitterness comes courtesy of the greens. vegetables juicing
- Put 1 lb. of peeled, large carrots into the juicer and pour 1/2 cup of lemon juice.
- Add a handful of your favorite leafy green vegetable and juice.
- Serve immediately.
Note: to add sweetness, taste, and aroma, try adding one apple, cored but unpeeled.
2. Carrot Combo:
Carrots are rich in beta-carotene and are naturally sweet. Many vegetable juice recipes also use carrots as an ingredient. vegetables juicing
- Put 2 carrots.
- 2 stalks of celery.
- 2 medium-sized cucumbers.
- a one-inch piece of peeled fresh ginger.
- about half a cup of parsley and half an apple, cored but unpeeled into a juicer.
- Serve fresh or chilled.
Note: this recipe is quite refreshing and is excellent for mornings when you want to feel alert and active. If you prefer a citrusy version, replace the apple with sliced orange, lemon, or lime.
3. Spiced Tomato Juice:
Tomatoes are an excellent source of lycopene and vitamins. Choose ripe ones for added sweetness.
- Chop enough tomatoes to make 3 cups and put them into the juicer.
- Add 1 cucumber.
- 1 stalk of celery.
- a dash of white pepper and a dash of cayenne pepper.
- Serve.
Note: for a spicier blend, add 1 red bell pepper, 1/4 onion, some basil, and oregano.
4. Yummy Green Juice:
The body of this recipe is the green apple, a rich source of fiber, vitamins C, A, B6, riboflavin, iron, calcium, potassium, zinc, manganese, and copper.vegetables juicing
- Use 1 cup of chopped green apples.
- 1/4 cup of celery.
- 1/2 cup of broccoli.
- Add 1/8 cup of parsley.
- 1/4 cup of celery.
- Turn the juicer on and serve.
Note: this is a green (literally) recipe that is tasty on its own but if you prefer it cold, you may pour it into a glass filled a quarter of the way with ice.
5. Carrot and Spinach Energy Booster:
This recipe is made from equal amounts of carrots and spinach. Spinach is one of the best sources of vitamins and minerals. In this recipe, you will get high amounts of vitamins A and K, manganese, magnesium, and folate, along with calcium, potassium, copper, and fiber.
- Put 1 cup of carrots and 1 cup of spinach into a juicer.
- Add 1/8 cup parsley and process.
- Pour into a tall glass (with ice if you prefer it chilled).
- add 1 tsp. of Spirulina and serve.
Note: Spirulina is a type of algae that has protein and other vitamins and minerals. It is optional but tries using it in this recipe for an added boost. vegetables juicing vegetables juicing
Summing Up:
The possibilities for fruit and vegetable juice are endless. Just take a stroll through your local produce aisle at the grocery store. Pick up the local organic vegetables that are in season and on sale and start mixing. You will find that some of them are not that great, while others may surprise you.
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Disclaimer: “Nothing in this article makes any claim to offer cures or treatment of any disease or illness. If you are sick please consult with your doctor.”
Excellent nutrition is the basis of a healthy Life!
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