Why Diets often do not Work ?
Obesity is the leading health concern in the world. Regrettably, people are trying in vain to lay their hands on a perfect diet plan that will work in helping them shed the extra body weight. Each day a new diet plan emerges on the market, but it doesn’t end up working for all.
Each individual is different and has different requirements, so it is best that we follow a customized diet plan that is designed based on our age, gender and health problems. This is the only way in which we can adopt a perfect diet plan that matches our individual needs.
The real problem is that all diet plans do not work for all. Usually diet plans fail because when people follow a diet plan, they actually eat in way that is not natural for them in general. This creates physiological and psychological problems.
Research shows that when people diet, they end up gaining more weight. Diets usually fail because they make the obese person feel hungry and depressed. When your calorie count is cut, you are sure to feel hungry. This results in hunger pangs and cravings. You may be trying to avoid foods that are high in sugar and fat, but you feel like you cannot resist these.
The human mind reacts badly to restricted food intake and to forbidden foods and so you end up eating more and unhealthier foods. Your metabolism also gets damaged due to continuous dieting. The slowing of metabolism may result in weight gain and even in more serious health issues.
At times the diets don‘t work because obesity may be a result from the intake of certain medications that you may be using for treatment pattern. Some people suffer from obesity due to a medical problem. That is why it‘s best for you to get a medical examination that can show what the actual cause of your obesity is.
Finding the causes is the best way to deal with the problem. You will be able to follow a specifically designed healthy diet plan, only after understanding the root cause of your obesity.
Some people turn obese because they are emotional eaters. Once they feel depressed, they end up overeating and thus gain weight. As diets don‘t address the emotional factors that lead to overeating, they fail to produce results.
Another reason why diets often fail is because they are standardized. They do not meet the individual’s nutritional needs that can help for the balancing of their emotional state.
In general, diets fail because they are not designed to suit the specific individual. This is in fact the issue that affects dieters all over the globe. Their diet plans don‘t work for reducing their body weight. Even though they think they are losing weight by eating less and following strenuous exercises, all is in vain.
All diets are standardized and they don‘t consider your individual physiology and metabolism. They actually adopt a cookie cutter approach, which may not be suitable for you. If this is the case, the diet plan fails to help you lose weight.
The dieters never stop dieting and this helps the dieting industry make huge profits. They try to make people believe that being thin is equal to success, but this is definitely not the case. At times, the average dieter is not overweight, but still needs to reduce a little weight, so he/she always keep dieting.
If you really want to lose weight, it is essential that you follow the experts’ advice. These professionals are educated enough to guide you to a perfect diet plan that will work for your particular body physiology and will help you maintain your body weight all the time.
It is important for you to choose a specific diet plan that is right for you. Research all your options and compare them to one another. In this way, you can get the best diet plan that will work for reducing your obesity, as you get the chance to compare the different features of the different options.
You can readily look at the foods that you should eat and how often you should eat to make up your mind. In this way, you will end up with a perfect diet plan that suits your individual needs and works in your favor to help you lose weight.